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Le blog qui gratte: magazine collaboratif sur l'actualité de la guitare
27 octobre 2004

Les woodsmen sont venus me rendre visite!

En jettant un oeil sur les statistiques de fréquentation du Blog qui gratte, je constate que plusieurs visiteurs viennent du site des Woodsmen. (A ecouter dans la qui gratte).

Je constate que contrairement a ce que j'ai pû dire, je suis cité ici et sur leur site... même si il me semble discerner un brin de sarcasme dans les propos :-)
"10.25.04 Heads up to the French for having good taste ... "    (Tête haute pour les Français car ils ont bon goût...)

L'occasion d'un petit message (mis à jour) à leur attention:

As I was checking my webstats for this weblog I found a few visitors coming from
So I would like to say thanks a lot to you guys for your funky music which is great and full of fun. By any chance if you fell on this post feel free to post a comment or send a mail ;-)

there was no sarcasm in my comments.unless you want there to be!<br /> thanks for listening- theres new music on the site as well as our big studio album on the way(within a few weeks- its almost done)<br /> we just got a guitarist and are planning to record another album at the end of january.<br /> what do you do for work/fun?<br /> dylan
thanks for listening. feel free to use our forum<br /> if you have any questions or comments<br /> love, the woodsmen